Lumbar Sympathetic Ablation

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Lumbar Sympathetic Ablation

Lumbar sympathetic ablation is often used to treat symptoms caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), such as leg and foot pain. PAH is a condition that causes circulatory problems due to narrowing or blockage of the arteries in the legs. Symptoms caused by this condition include leg pain, fatigue, muscle cramps, numbness or sores in the legs, and infections. It can also be used for lumbar sympathetic ablation, complicated kidney cysts, pancreatitis, cancer pain, and other chronic pain conditions.


Lumbar sympathetic ablation is the destruction of sympathetic nerves in the lumbar region using radiofrequency waves or laser energy. This procedure is used to treat symptoms such as lower back pain, leg pain, leg numbness, leg numbness and cramps. This procedure is similar to epidural steroid injection, another procedure used to reduce lower back pain.

Lumbar sympathetic ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require surgery. However, it also has some disadvantages. There may be side effects such as a slight feeling of pain after the procedure, redness and swelling at the injection site, nerve damage, risk of infection and urinary incontinence. Therefore, this procedure is often preferred when other treatment options have been tried or the risk of surgical intervention is high.


During the procedure, the sympathetic nerves in the waist area are reached through a needle and the nerves are destroyed using radiofrequency waves or laser energy. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30-60 minutes.


What are the advantages?

Alleviating symptoms: Lumbar sympathetic ablation may help relieve symptoms in PAD and other pain conditions. This procedure can reduce the use of painkillers and provide more effective pain management.

A non-invasive procedure: Lumbar sympathetic ablation is considered a minimally invasive procedure. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. This may shorten the recovery period after the procedure. Repeatability of the procedure: Lumbar sympathetic ablation can be repeated if symptoms reoccur. This can help keep symptoms under control and provide a long-term solution to pain management.

A low-risk procedure: Lumbar sympathetic ablation is considered a low-risk procedure. It is rare for any serious complications to occur during the procedure.

A quick procedure: Lumbar sympathetic ablation is usually completed in a short time and patients can return home quickly after the procedure.

These advantages make the procedure an effective option for patients suffering from PAH and other chronic pain conditions. However, each patient's situation is different and the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure should be evaluated according to the patient's condition.

What are the disadvantages?

Side effects: This procedure is performed with local anesthesia or sedation, but side effects such as mild pain, numbness, bleeding, infection, allergic reactions and muscle spasms may occur after the procedure.

Permanent effects: Lumbar sympathetic ablation may cause permanent damage to the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, careful evaluation of the patient is required before and after the procedure.

Inadequate treatment: Lumbar sympathetic ablation may not always completely eliminate pain. In some cases, patients may experience a slight reduction in pain but may not provide complete relief.

Need for repeated procedures: The effects of lumbar sympathetic ablation may vary depending on the patient. While some patients may remain pain-free for a long time after the procedure, some patients' pain may return after a few weeks. Therefore, there may be a need for repeated processing.

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