

Mesotherapy is a procedure performed using very thin and short injector needles. The number of injections in mesotherapy varies depending on the patient, his/her disease, and the conformity of the injection site. Mesotherapy is usually performed for aesthetic purposes; i.e. for regional weakening and the elimination cellulitis, skin problems, skin aging, neck pain, migraine, lumbar disc hernia, sports traumas, menstrual pains, vascular diseases such as varicose veins, phlebitis, and lymphedema. Mesotherapy has no side effects, and you do not feel pain during the procedure. Aging is a very natural process. Genetic and environmental factors and living conditions affect the aging process of a person as well. The operation time of mesotherapy varies depending on the size of the application site and the purpose. It usually takes 15 to 45 minutes on average. The number of sessions ranges from 5 to 10, depending on the application site.

In Which Situations Is The Mesotherapy Procedure Performed?

Mesotherapy is a procedure performed in cases of cellulitis, skin problems, skin aging, hair loss, conditions that require facial rejuvenation, neck pain, migraine, lumbar disc hernia, sports traumas, menstrual pains, vascular diseases such as varicose veins, phlebitis, and lymphedema.

Who Are Not Suitable Candidate For The Mesotherapy Procedure?

Mesotherapy is not performed on pregnant women, paralyzed people, diabetic patients, people with blood clotting disorders, cancer patients, and those with a heart disease that quire multiple drug treatment.

How Long Does Mesotherapy Take? Can I Get Results Immediately?

Mesotherapy is not a long-lasting treatment procedure. It is performed by injecting PRP through very fine needles into areas where it is required. The procedure takes about 15 to 45 minutes. This period of time varies depending on the size of the region, where mesotherapy will be performed. The time required for getting results from mesotherapy will vary depending on the severity of the condition and the body structure of the person. However, it is possible to get result after 2 to 3 sessions.

Does Mesotherapy Have Side Effects?

The materials used in the mesotherapy procedure do not enter the systemic circulation. For this reason, slight bruises seen after the procedure will disappear in a very short time.

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